Rivers of Qi
Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
Do you feel let down by your body? At Rivers of Qi, we listen to what has not worked for you, to create a plan that will.
With acupuncture, we help your body prioritize fixing the problem and calm your racing mind. We look at every experience from multiple perspectives and support you through the challenges and the wins of your journey.
When should you use acupuncture?
New Here?
Book a complimentary consultation to ask questions about your specific health issue, or make sure you feel comfortable with needling. We can explain how a treatment might feel, what a treatment plan might look like, or show you how small the needles truly are (If you'd like to see them).
Do you have low energy, brain fog, or infertility? We approach your care with a combination mind, body, food, and lifestyle approach. There is no right amount of exercise or perfect way of eating that fits everyone. The beauty of East Asian medicine is that we aim to harmonize you based on what YOU come in with, listening to your challenges, and using different lenses to find the right fix for you.