Rates & Programs


Initial Assessment and Treatment - $235

Single Follow-up Treatment - $155

6 Follow-up Treatments
$145 per treatment - billed at $870.

Weekly Treatment Program
$135 per treatment - billed at $540 every 4 treatments.

Bi-weekly Treatment Program
$130 per treatment - billed at $1,040 every 8 treatments.

Reproductive Health Program
$130 per treatment - billed at $1,040 every 8 treatments.

Lab Analysis Appointment - $155 

Is acupuncture right for you? 

Schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation to answer any questions you have. This appointment is for you. It can be to talk about your specific health issue or to make sure you feel comfortable with needling and show you how small acupuncture needles truly are.

Weekly Treatment Program

Best for those who are aiming to rebalance, such as if you have high stress, get migraines, have stopped birth control or another medication, a problem relating to your period which leaves you feeling pretty good for 2/3 of the month and feeling terrible for close to 1/3 of the month, or if you are pregnant in trimesters 2 or 3. 

Treatments are once per week. Patients are billed $540 every 4 treatments.
This is equivalent to $135/treatment. 

This program is ideal for working on a problem that flares up and gets better and to maintain balance. The program starts at 12 treatments, then the total depends on the severity of your symptoms and what your goal is. To discuss specific questions, book a complimentary 15 minute consultation.

Bi-weekly Treatment Program

Great for those who rely on caffeine, need a sweet snack mid-day, are feeling burned out, or have pain. This is for those who find it hard to finish their to-do list, to socialize like they used to, wake up dreading their day, have depression, or struggle with day to day activities.

Treatments are twice per week. Patients are billed $1,040 every 8 treatments.
This is equivalent to $130/treatment. 

This program is not for those who want a "quick fix" without effort to maintain the progress we make with acupuncture treatments. You will be listened to, and helpful changes are often identified during the course of this program. Although no change is required, the open-ness to consider it is. 

With this program, we make a  treatment plan based on where in your journey we start, your health history and what your goal is.  When we near your goal, we typically reduce the frequency to weekly treatments. Once we reach your goal, we reduce to treatments every 2 weeks until you feel comfortable stopping. 

Lab Analysis

Blood work, saliva, urine tests, or semen analyses can provide additional information that benefits the ability to reach your goal. For this reason, I recommend looking at relevant blood work and doing a lab analysis at the beginning of your program. Lab Analysis appointments are a separate appointment from your follow up treatments but can be scheduled back to back with a follow-up treatment. Whether you get labwork done through us or have very recent labwork results to send to us, we can schedule a lab analysis session. 

This session is priced to cover 2 parts. Part 1: Jessida reviews the test results and comes up with a treatment plan for you. Part 2: At the appointment, Jessida explains to you which areas to focus on for you to reach your goal. Then she explains and discusses the treatment plan with you.  

Do you accept HSA/ FSA's?

Rivers of Qi accepts all major health savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending account (FSA) plans. To use your HSA/FSA, you can use it as the card-on-file or present it at your appointments.

Do you take Insurance?

Rivers of Qi is a fee for service practice. I accept credit/debit cards, HSA/FSA's, checks, and exact cash.

All practitioners of Rivers of Qi are not in-network providers and do not bill any insurance plans, including out-of-network claims. This allows us to provide client-centered care without insurance dictating treatments. 

Upon request, we provide a super bill that you can submit for reimbursement directly from your insurance provider. We cannot assist you with claim resolution, nor guarantee any or all of our diagnosis and treatment codes are covered under your plan.