Male & Female

Whether you haven't gotten pregnant yet or have had miscarriages, acupuncture can benefit both the male and female reproductive systems. We help people at any stage of the fertility journey; trying naturally, doing IUI, IVF, egg freezing, supporting pregnancy following miscarriage, or even using a surrogate.  

The journey can feel like an uphill climb and we understand the range of emotions that come up for many of our patients. The anger at your own body, the sadness that takes you at random, or the fear and avoidance of social gatherings and certain conversations; all can make the journey an isolating place to be. We are here for you, using holistic medicine along with nutritional counseling and herbal medicine to help your optimize your chances and reduce your stress along the way!

Acupuncture can help with

IUI & IVF cycles

• low fertilization rate

• low egg quality

Implantation issues

• low response to stimulation medication

• discomfort following egg retrieval or OHSS

• thin uterine lining 

• depression, anger, or mood swings

Female Reproductive Health 

• missing periods

• Endometriosis

• recurring UTI's 


• recurrent miscarriages

• painful sex

• long cycles

• short luteal phase

questionable ovulation

Male Reproductive Health 

• erectile dysfunction and performance anxiety

low libido

low energy

• low sperm count

• low morphology

• low motility

Photo of 2 potted plants.

When we work on reproductive issues, it's ideal to see patients twice per week. For male anatomies, this allows your treatments to build upon one another. This is highly beneficial for timely improvement. It's important to build up your health and then to reduce frequency of treatments in the maintenance phase.

For female anatomies, we want to see you during every phase of your cycle. In only 5 days, your period is over. In a 28 day cycle, you'd have less than a week before you enter your fertile window, then less than a week within the window. Then there's a big hormonal shift, when we work on reducing symptoms leading up to a smooth period and also encouraging your uterus to become a cozy home during the TWW. Because of this timeline, treatments twice per week are ideal. 

Photo of a heart shape drawn in sand on a beach.

Reproductive Health Program 

Whether you're just starting, are in the middle of IVF stimming with meds and want to boost what you can, or have transferred and failed in the past, acupuncture can help. 

In this program, treatments are twice per week. Patients are billed $1,040 every 8 treatments. This is equivalent to $130/treatment.  Increasing egg or sperm quality takes 3 months and the total number of treatments depends on where we start in your fertility journey. To discuss specific questions, book a complimentary 15 minute consultation.

If you haven't already done labs, we recommend a lab analysis as well. It allows us to take a deeper dive into your blood work, urine, saliva, or semen analysis labs so that we can focus exactly where you need help and to discuss the next course of action. Lab Analyses are a separate appointment but can be scheduled back to back with a follow-up treatment.